The #1
Hbar Wallet
MyHbarWallet is a free, client-side interface helping you interact with Hedera™ Hashgraph. Our easy-to-use, open-source platform allows you to generate keys, create accounts, transfer hbars, and so much more.
Create Wallet
man at computer
hbar wallet
About MyHbarWallet
MyHbarWallet is a clone of one of the most popular wallets on Ethereum. We took that approach because it was open source and people already are familiar with the interface and processes. We want MyHbarWallet to be the simplest and most intuitive interface to Hedera™ Hashgraph.
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Join MyHbarWallet
Access Hedera™ with the #1 Hbar Wallet with an elegant and easy-to-use interface.
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Hardware Wallet Support
MHW currently supports the Ledger Nano, and most major hardware wallets are on the development roadmap.
Answers to most frequently asked questions
How do I create a new account?
MyHbarWallet (MHW) offers three ways to create a new H wallet. These are: By Keystore, By Mnemonic Phrase, or With a Hardware Wallet. Pair your keys with an account ID to start transacting hbar.
Can MHW work with other wallets?
MHW supports many different wallet types, including hardware, with additional hardware wallet support currently in development. We are also open for anyone to use their H wallets with the appropriate information.
How much does it cost to use MHW?
MHW does not charge any fees for interacting with the Hedera™ API. Hedera™ Hashgraph requires a transaction fee when interacting withthe Hedera™ API. That fee paid in Hbar.
I forgot my passphrase / private key! What can I do?
MHW does not offer support for recovery or reset of passwords / private keys. We always suggest writing down private keys and passwords on physical media for safekeeping. Maybe you saved it on your computer!
Can I still use Version 1 of MHW?
Yes, it is available at
If I send you my public key, will you make me an account?
No. For ledger users, please refer to this guide
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